Five, Four, Three, Two, One! February 24 2014

The countdown to launch begins! After years of dreaming, plotting, planning, and cajoling, the website for my beloved CocoLoco Chocolates is a mere five days away from launching. I wish that everything was done and ready and all the loose ends were tied up in pretty bows, but instead must take hope and solace from the fact that today's To Do List comfortably fits on one page. In my imaginings, this time right before launch was like a New Year's Rockin' Eve countdown, with spirits high and everyone counting 10…9…8…7… in unison, with a smooth cadence and common rhythm.  Instead, the reality of this time is a jazz cadence and syncopated rhythm accompanying not a countdown, but a variation of the Twelve Days of Christmas where I do the first day's tasks, and after moving on to the second day's tasks, have to go back and repeat most of the first day's tasks a second time. And, of course, this progresses and repeats through days three and four and five…… with those first tasks getting done and re-done what feels like a hundred million times. We are getting there, though! And slow and steady wins the race, right?